
Daily Diary - February 17th 2016

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Daily Diary - February 17th 2016

Parable of the Sock

(A Dream from the Holy Spirit)

I had a dream one morning I couldn’t find matching socks. The socks were placed in a basket after being laundered. Talk about frustrating! In this basket, there were seven different types of socks – real low, real high, medium, medium with ridges, medium plain, short with puffy edges, short without puffy edges at the top.

Sometimes I find a match and get them on only to realize that one sock has a hole in the big toe! Frustrated, I start the process all over. One thing I clearly remember is that they were only the white socks.

Question:  How many of us have faced the Sock dilemma?

This dream brought me a revelation about the decisions we make in life. As Americans, we have built a life of so many options and luxuries for ourselves that we can’t possibly make a good decision if the choices are similar and readily available. The decisions we make daily are similar to choosing from the number of socks. It is understood that they may all be good socks, but which ones match and represent the decisions that are important? Wouldn’t it be easier to only have one type of sock so that no matter which two I chose they would work.  To many decisions might seem good on a given day, but what if we are spending so much time deciding on things that we miss what is important in life.  When we choose from things this world offers we may choose wrong and end up with a hole in the toe and have to start over.

Challenge:  Think of how many things that are unnecessarily in our way and keep us from our choices being simple.  How many things can we eliminate from our basket to bring us peace in life by making life simple? 

My answer is to get rid of the temptation of things that keep me from finding God.  Throw away all the socks accept one kind.  The socks I want in my basket are the ones of the Jesus kind and based on the truth of God’s word.  I want to get up each morning and know that the choices in my basket are all good for my family and I. 

Question:  What can you get rid of to get your life in order the way God intended?  My answer is to simply just throw them away.

We may not have time to go find another sock. I know sometimes it takes me forever to reach back in the basket just to find the match.

Matthew 8:22, Jesus said, “Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.”

Jesus knew that He was not first place in this person’s life.  

Matthew 16:24, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

If the many socks represent the many decisions we make in a day, how much time can we afford to spend trying to find a match? Which decision or sock actually represents the truth and the best for our lives?


Believe that whatever sock you choose has a good outcome and that all socks represent the truth in your life. Only have one type of sock. Quit making the decisions so difficult. Place God on the throne of your heart. Pray about each decision that you make. If you choose the Lord’s plan, you will make the right choice. It is the same as only having one kind of sock in the basket. When you reach in, you will always get a matching pair.  By getting the Word of God in you, your decisions will be based on Truth and ultimately will work.

The good news is, if you find one that has a hole in the toe, God says you can repent and turn from your mistake and get a brand-new one!


About the Author

Mark Ward

Mark Ward

Mark Ward - Mark is a coach, evangelist and motivational speaker that is dedicated to spreading the gospel on multiple platforms which include being the co-founder of CoachesAid.com, Team Spirit Youth Outreach and Churches Aid while being the youth pastor at Harvest Fellowship Church. Part of Mark’s passion is to help Coaches and athletes create an environment that will prepare youth for life beyond sports. Traveling evangelism has become a main part of Mark's focus, where he is dedicated to reach out to all areas that God would provide opportunity to spread the gospel.

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Romans 8:38-39

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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