Coaching from a biblical foundation is a ministry platform that works for coaches and teams but is a valuable asset for much more!
Mark Ward ministry seminars bring a biblical foundation to all walks of life including:




Life coaching principles work for every aspect of life that people coexist in an environment that requires success.
Establish a Christian Biblical foundation for your company or business that creates an environment of team unity in the work place based on the word of God which establishing unity, goals, love and truth creating business success.

Type of event
Daily Seminar
Program of event
MWM believes Gods foundation plan works in all walks of life. Schedule a daily event for MWM to bring a message to your Church, Revival or Business. Foundational material and resources will be available along with the message of "Victory in Jesus" for any and all environments. Increase the church or business atmosphere by following MWM successful model of incorporating God's foundation. Contact MWM below to schedule a 1 day seminar that has life changing results in Jesus Name!

Type of event
3 Day Event
Program of event
MWM believes Gods foundation plan works in all walks of life. Schedule a 3 event for MWM to bring a message to your Church, Revival or Business. 3 Day Events include ministry team, and Unshakable band. Ideal for Community Revivals, let MWM set up a great event with Jesus Christ at the helm in your local church or community. Foundational material and resources will be available along with messages of "Victory in Jesus" for any and all environments. Mark Wards messages from His writings; Revelations of the Jesus Kind and Victory are the core approach which displays a biblical foundation for today. Contact MWM below to schedule a 3 day seminar that has life changing results in Jesus Name!

Type of event
Weekly Event
Program of event
Schedule a Weekly event for MWM to bring multiple messages, Pastors and Prayer teams to your Church, Revival or Business. Weekly Events can also include guest speakers, ministry teams, and Unshakable band. Ideal for Community Revivals, let MWM set up a great event with Jesus Christ at the helm in your local church or community. Foundational material and resources will be available along with messages of "Victory in Jesus" for any and all environments. Mark Wards messages from His writings; Revelations of the Jesus Kind and Victory are the core approach which displays a biblical foundation for today. Contact MWM below to schedule a weekly seminar that has life changing results in Jesus Name!
To set up a Biblical Coaching Seminar with Mark Ward ministries team of life coaches contact us at: